Unearthing The Dead
The Search For Nantucket's Forgotten Heroes
Aldous Huxley wrote that "technological progress has merely provided
us with more efficient means for going backwards" -- he didn't know the half of it. In spite of Mr. Huxley's facetiousness,
the technological marvel that is the Internet has been a boon to hordes of amateur genealogists who would have otherwise been
doomed to a lifetime of incomplete records and dead-end trails. From the comfort of their own homes researchers are now able
to search the parish records of St. Nowheresville-on-the-Thames and passenger lists of immigrant ships from the Old Country,
or view digitized versions of wills from their long-dead ancestors. People have spilled huge amounts of digital ink toiling
away at their keyboards, hoping to document their particular sprout from the World Family Tree, and have successfully made
connections between long-lost branches of their family.
As with everything else in life, however, there is a down
side. Errors tend to get duplicated -- and more widely disseminated -- as amateur researchers (perhaps not as attentive
to detail as they might be) simply copy information from another's website or database, blithely assuming that their source
did the required fact-checking. As yet another example of the perils of surfing the Web, this has caused many people to shy
away from using it as a resource, which is indeed unfortunate, since the same rules apply to Internet research as any other
kind: use primary sources where possible, secondary when necessary, verify always.
In this article I'm going to try
and shed a little light on some of the names found on the Civil War monument on Main Street. I will not attempt to duplicate
the exhaustive research conducted by Robery Mooney and Richard F. Miller in their definitive work, The Civil War: The Nantucket
Experience (Nantucket: Wesco Publishing, 1994), nor that of my fellow Yesterday's Island contributor Bob Barsanti,
who wrote about Leander Alley -- those stories are definitely worthy of further reading. This article will focus on a
list of soldiers and sailors taken from Alexander Starbuck's The History of Nantucket; at the time that that book was
first written these "unknowns" were listed on the monument but their stories had been lost. This is an attempt to -- tentatively
-- identify their contribution to the Union cause.
The main sources used are Starbuck's History as noted; the
online edition of the Eliza Starbuck Barney Genealogical Record, which the Nantucket Historical Association's website notes
is 'the most reliable genealogy for Nantucket's families for the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries...[and]
contains vital information on more than 40,000 Nantucketers...' ; and the 'Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System', located
on the website of the National Park Service (NPS). All three sources have proven reliable in the past. Where other sources
are used they will be duly noted.
The main problem in conducting such research lies in the sheer number of "John Smiths"
who served during the war; which John Smith is "our" John Smith can be a bit thorny, as oftentimes even the sources noted
above disagree on something as simple as a middle initial. Where the Barney record notes a date or location of death I have
attempted to match the individual to soldiers bearing that name based upon where they were stationed, etc. Usually this worked
-- where it did not, the lack of information leaves the trail cold.
Ferdinand Alley, the youngest
son of George Alley and Sarah Gardner, was born in 1845. By the time that the war began Ferdinand's older brother George Junior
had already died across the continent in California. George's more famous cousin Leander died in 1862 at Frederickburg (see
Bob Barsanti's earlier piece in Yesterday's Island for more on Leander); George himself died on July 6, 1864 at the
Naval Hospital in Brooklyn. That he should have been in the Navy is not surprising given his Nantucket background.
H. Alley, yet another cousin of Ferdinand's, served in the 22nd Massachusetts Infantry, Company A. The 22nd saw action
at Mechanicsville, Malvern Hill, the Second Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the
Wilderness, Cold Harbor and Petersburg; Alley was captured at the Wilderness on May 5, 1864 and was held as a prisoner-of-war
at the newly-opened Andersonville Prison. The Park Service website notes that "...during the 14 months the prison existed,
more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined [there]. Of these, almost 13,000 died from disease, poor sanitation, malnutrition,
overcrowding, or exposure to the elements." John Alley survived and was released, but his experience must have weakened him
considerably; the Barney record notes that he died on December 19, 1864 in Maryland.
Frederick W. Andrews
does not appear to have served in the army during the war; he may have been in the navy but those records are incomplete.
There was a Frederick A. Andrews who mustered with the 62nd Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, but they were only organized
in April 1865 and were disbanded a month later. There is no record of a Frederick W. Andrews in the Barney record.
Bacon is not listed in the Barney record but there is a soldier by that name recorded by the Park Service; he joined
the 45th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (Militia), Company H, and if it is the same Allen Bacon he might have enlisted with
two other Nantucketers, Edward Daggett and Joseph Morey. The 45th was stationed in North Carolina during the war, and being
militia were primarily used as camp guards, although some reconnoissance activity was noted. Bacon's connection to Nantucket,
however, remains unknown.
William R. Beard was born in 1841, and joined the 58th Regiment, Massachusetts
Infantry; he may have enlisted with Briggs, Gould, Hussey and Smith, and was in the same company as the latter. The 58th saw
action at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. The Barney record notes that Beard died on September 3,
1864; it is entirely possible that his death was the result of injuries suffered at the Crater, or the Mine, at Petersburg
where, according to the Park Service website:
"after weeks of preparation, on July 30 the Federals exploded a mine
in Burnside's IX Corps sector beneath Pegram's Salient, blowing a gap in the Confederate defenses of Petersburg. From this
propitious beginning, everything deteriorated rapidly for the Union attackers. Unit after unit charged into and around the
crater, where soldiers milled in confusion. The Confederates quickly recovered and launched several counterattacks led by
Maj. Gen. William Mahone. The break was sealed off, and the Federals were repulsed with severe casualties....This may have
been Grant's best chance to end the Siege of Petersburg. Instead, the soldiers settled in for another eight months of trench
warfare. Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside was relieved of command for his role in the debacle."
George N. Bennett
was born in 1841, and enlisted in the 38th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (perhaps along with fellow Nantucketer Edward
Folger) where he rose to the rank of captain in Companies B and C. The 38th embarked from Baltimore, MD aboard the steamer
Baltic and landed in Mississippi. They served in the bayous of Lousiana and the city of New Orleans (which was in Union hands)
and participated in several seige campaigns as part of the Vicksburg campaign (which opened the Mississippi River to further
Union advances). The 38th eventually shipped out to Washington, D.C. and took part in Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley maneuvers,
during which Bennett apparently met his demise; the Barney record notes his death on September 9, 1864, during the height
of that campaign.
Francis J. Briggs ("Francis I." in Starbuck's book) was born in 1838, according
to the Barney record, but there is no record of him in the NPS database. A Francis G. Briggs did enlist in the 58th Regiment,
Massachusetts Infantry (where we also find a number of other Nantucket volunteers) but it is unclear as to whether or not
this is the same person. The waters are muddied further by a note in the Barney record that Briggs died in Andersonville Prison
in Georgia in February of 1865, but there is no prisoner from Massachusetts by that name noted on their roles.
C. Brock, according to the Barney record, was born in 1805, and would have been too old to enlist. There is a "Peter
Brock" (no initial) listed who was born in 1832 and (if he served) survived the war, finally dying on April 17, 1906. A "Peter
C. Brock" joined the 28th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, Company K, which served at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville,
Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg (among others) and finally would up at Appomattox Court House, where Lee
and his army surrendered. If this is the same Peter Brock who died in 1906 then he was a lucky man indeed.
C. Coffin, son of James Coffin and Anna Swain, was born in 1835 and joined the 2nd Regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry,
Company M along with William Gruber and Edward Hamblin. The 2nd Cavalry Company M organized in San Francisco and shipped out
to Massachusetts before finally arriving in Washington, D.C. in May of 1863. At some point during reconnaissance and patrol
in the Shenandoah Valley Private Coffin was apparently captured, and sent to Richmond Prison in Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate
capitol. The prison apparently was rather poorly run; according to The Photographic History of the Civil War, Volume 7,
Prisons and Hospitals, by Holland Thompson:
"in the first Confederate prison in Richmond, where the officers and
part of the privates taken at Manassas and Ball's Bluff were confined, there seems to have been, in the beginning, a total
lack of system. Negroes came and went, making purchases for prisoners, especially officers, who could command money. Prisoners
under guard went out to buy provisions. There was little or no restriction on visiting, and some prisoners seem to have made
social calls in company with some of the young officers of the guard. In the officers' division were rough bunks and tables
and a rude bathroom. The privates' prison had no bunks, but the inmates had an abundant water supply. The regular ration of
beef and bread was cooked for the prisoners, but anything else was prepared by the prisoners themselves or by some old negro
paid by the mess."
Alvin Coffin died on July 9, 1864 in Richmond Prison.
George C. Coffin,
listed as both George C. and George G. Coffin on the NPS website, joined up with Company D of the 23rd Regiment, Massachusetts
Infantry and served as the regimental drummer. No role for a shrinking violet, Coffin's position would have been well forward
with the troops, giving him a front row seat for a number of pitched battles, including New Berne, Cold Harbor and the Crater
explosion at the siege of Petersburg. Notes another NPS website for kids:
"Each company in an infantry regiment had
a musician who was usually a drummer. They were relied upon to play drum beats to call the soldiers into formation and for
other events. Drums got the soldiers up in the morning, signaled them to report for morning roll call, sick call, and guard
duty. Drummers also played at night to signal lights out or "taps". The most important use of drums was on the battlefield
where they were used to communicate orders from the commanding officers and signal troop movement."
H. Daggett was born in 1832, and the Barney record notes that he was "killed at the battle of Kingston" in December
1862. The NPS website states that an Edward H. Daggett joined the 45th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia), Company
H (along with Joseph Morey, see below). The 45th shipped out from Camp Meigs, Readville (outside Boston) aboard the steamer
Mississippi which, according to The History of the Thirteenth Maine Regiment by Edwin B. Lufkin, "...was a new, three-decked,
screw steamer, of twenty-five hundred tons, and was commended by Capt. Fulton. She was composite built - that is, iron up
to the middle deck and wood above - and had a powerful double engine... [and] ...was full barque-rigged...." The 45th landed
at Morehead City, North Carolina and camped on the banks of the Trent River near Newberne (New Bern) until December 12th.
Two days later the 45th saw action fighting the Confederates at Kinston (Kingston) Bridge; the outnumbered southern forces
were eventually pushed back by the Union troops but the fighting was fierce, and apparently it is during this battle, fought
on December 14th, that Edward Daggett lost his life.
Ferdinand W. Defriez(e) is listed in the Barney
record, but there is nothing about him in the NPS records. He was born in 1835, son of Henry Defrieze and Anna Barnard, and
married Elisabeth G. Brooks, daughter of William Brooks and Emeline Wyer. Ferdinand may have served in the navy, for the only
other biographical note about him is that he died in Pensacola, Florida of consumption (tuberculosis) on September 22, 1863.
Undoubtedly there was little in the way of medical care available; Pensacola was almost a ghost town. Hundreds of Pensacola
families had fled the heavy fighting in the region, and the total city population at that point was less than 100.
G. Folger (Charles C. in Starbuck's book) was born in 1840, the child of Robert Folger and Mary Gardner. There is
no record of him on the NPS website but the Barney record does note that he died on September 11, 1863 "in the hospital of
the Potomac". This note probably refers to St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., originally called the Government
Hospital for the Insane and founded by Dorothea Dix, the leading mental health reformer of the age. In 1861 Congress authorized
the use of the unfinished east wing as a general hospital for wounded soldiers of the Union Army; the west wing was converted
into a quarantine hospital for sailors. As the "All For the Union" website notes,
"overcrowding was inevitable during
the war. Tents were placed on the ground for the convalescent patients. President Lincoln frequently visited the hospital
to see the sick and wounded soldiers, and a room was reserved for his overnight stays....Approximately one-fourth of St. Elizabeths'
male employees divided their time between the battlefields and the hospital. The patients stepped in to assist in providing
hospital services."
Perhaps Charles Folger tended his fellow soldiers or sailors, or even met Mr. Lincoln, before
he too eventually succumbed.
Edward P. Folger, son of Rowland Folger and Elisa Ann Luce, was born
in 1847 (he is recorded as Edward R. Folger in Starbuck's work). Although there is no record of an Edward P. on the NPS site
it is recorded that an Edward E. Folger joined the 38th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, Company F. Whether the Nantucket
Folger is the same man who served during the war in Mississippi remains unknown, but the Barney record notes that Edward P.
Folger survived the war and died on December 17, 1865 in Mobile, Alabama. Given the location of his demise it is certainly
possible that this is the same man.
James Folger was born on April 9, 1817; the Barney record notes
that he died at sea on April 15, 1863. Accordinly in the May 11, 1863 edition of the Daily National Intelligencer,
a Washington, D.C. newspaper, there is a record of the death of a James Folger, Acting Master of the USS Roebuck,
who died of a gunshot wound on April 15, 1863. The USS Roebuck was a bark rigged clipper ship that made at least
trip around Cape Horn to California as a merchant ship before being purchased by the Navy in1861. She was assigned to the
South Atlantic Blockading Squadron off the Carolina coast, and intercepted several smugglers on their way to Confederate ports.
On March 20, 1863 a party was sent ashore in the bark's launch to investigate a report that a vessel was loading with cotton
nearby; they were ambushed and suffered heavy losses before retreating (from the "US Civil War Navies" website, by Terry Foenander).
In all likelihood this is when James Folger was wounded; it would explain why a naval officer died of a gunshot wound, an
injury more often associated with soldiers than with naval personnel.
Ebenezer R. Gould's birth is
not listed in the Barney record, but his marriage to Caroline Backus is. It is also noted that he died at "the Hospital, Washington"
-- probably St. Elizabeth's -- in June of 1864, causes unknown. The NPS site records an Ebenezer B. Gould who joined the 58th
Massachusetts Regiment (as did a number of other Nantucketers); if this is the same Gould then he probably was wounded at
either the battle of Cold Harbor or the seige of Petersburg and was evacuated to Washington, where he met his demise.
H. Gruber was born in 1837 and married Caroline H. Fanning before the war in 1860. The Barney record notes that he
died on January 2, 1865 as a prisoner-of-war. The NPS website lists a William H. Gruber who joined the 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry,
Company M (along with Alvin Coffin and Edward Hamblin). Companies E, F, L and M were known as the "California Battalion",
and had been recruited from volunteers in San Francisco in March 1863. Eager to serve but not wanting to fight out west, the
California Battalion was part of a second wave of former Easterners who returned home to fight in the war (from "The Second
Mass and Its Fighting Californians" website -- as many Nantucketers had flocked to San Francisco around this time in search
of new opportunities, this fits well). The California Battalion saw action in Virginia around Washington and in the Shenandoah
Valley as well; when Gruber was taken prisoner is unclear (although a number of the 2nd Cavalry were captured at Dranesville
on February 22, 1864, see below), and there is no record of him at Andersonville.
Edward P. Hamblin
("Edward F." in Starbuck's book), son of Thomas Hamblin and Sophronia was born in 1844 married Sarah D. Atwood in December
1863; within six months he was dead. Hamblin, who served with Alvin Coffin and William Gruber in the California Battalion,
died on June 9, 1864 in Andersonville Prison. The NPS website notes that he was captured on February 22, 1864 in Dranesville,
Virginia (probably with William Gruber, above). Given the harsh conditions at Andersonville previously noted, it is unsurprising
that both men perished there.
Robert B. Hussey was born in 1822, and would have been rather old for
a raw recruit. He enlisted with several others in the 58th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, and died on November 14, 1864.
Since the 58th was not involved in a battle on that date he must either have died of previously incurred wounds or, more likely,
disease. Of the 295 fatalities suffered by the 58th during the war 156 of them were due to illnesses that were an all too
familiar part of a soldier's life.
Joseph B. Morey, Junior, born in 1820, joined the 45th Massachusetts
Infantry (Militia) with Edward Daggett (and perhaps Thomas Nevins) and served in North Carolina. The 45th Regiment was a new
militia regiment created in response to the call of August 4 1862, for "nine month's troops"; sadly, Morey would not last
that long. After seeing action at Whitehall and Kinston the troops returned back to camp at New Bern by December 21, 1862,
where they remained until April 1863, guarding the city. Morey died there on February 16, 1863, probably of disease.
Morrow was born in 1824 and married Elisa C. Bunker before he enlisted. The muster role from the USS Hartford
dated July 1, 1864 notes one:
"David Morrow, quarter gunner, enlisted September 18, 1863, in Boston, for 3 years,
first served on USS Ohio, born Salem, Massachusetts, age 39, black eye color, black hair, dark complexion."
USS Ohio was an aging sailing ship-of-the-line launched in 1820. She served in the Mediterranean, in the Gulf of
Mexico during the Mexican War and in the Pacific Squadron during the gold rush days and was used for training during the Civil
War. At some point Morrow transferred to the USS Hartford, which was Admiral David Glasgow Farragut's flagship from
1861 - 1865. The Hartford fought its way past the forts at New Orleans and Vicksburg in 1862, and took part in the Battle
of Mobile Bay. On August 5, Farragut's fleet of eighteen ships entered Mobile Bay and took a heavy pounding from Forts Gaines
and Morgan and other points. Farragut and the fleet made it past the forts, but Morrow did not -- the Barney record notes
that he died on August 6, 1864, probably as a result of the earlier firefight.
In a way Morrow's story becomes even
more interesting after his death. Bill Wilson, who founded Alcoholics Anonymous with his friend Bob Smith, was an ardent practitioner
of spiritualism. The AA biography of Wilson states that, "it is not clear when he first became interested in extrasensory
phenomena; the field was something that Dr. Bob and Anne Smith were also deeply involved with." The Wilsons held regular séances
in their home and engaged in other psychic activities as well; for instance, Wilson would lie on their couch and "receive"
messages (much like fellow spiritualist Edgar Cayce), while someone else transcribed what he said.
Apparently Wilson
took his show on the road as well. As he tells the story in his book Pass It On, Wilson came to Nantucket to visit
some friends; during his first morning here he was visited by three ghosts, who, among other things, told him their names.
Wilson announced at breakfast that he had had a psychic experience, and had spoken with the spirits of some long-dead Nantucket
citizens. Later that morning Wilson and friends ventured into town and stopped at the Civil War Monument, where Wilson noted
the name of one of his ghostly visitors -- David Morrow. Upon visiting the "Maritime Museum" (Whaling Museum?) they came across
a large open book located just inside the door -- lo and behold, there were the other names that Wilson had mentioned. Elsewhere
in the museum they happened upon a life-size portrait of Admiral Farragut, under which was a plaque describing the role that
Nantucket sailors had played in the Battle of Mobile Bay. Wilson claimed that David Morrow had described the events to him
personally. Whether or not the story is true, it is likely that David Morrow, wherever he is, appreciates being remembered.
Thomas Nevins does not appear in the Barney records, but there are Nevins' listed there, so perhaps
he was a cousin. There was a Thomas Nevins in both the 1st Massachusetts Regiment, Heavy Artillery and the 45th Regiment,
Massachusetts Infantry (Militia), Company H; as the latter is the same regiment and company that a number of Nantucketers
joined it seems likely that this is where Thomas Nevins served. His date of death remains unknown.
Henry C.
Raymond (Henry G. in Starbuck's book) is only noted in the Barney record for his parentage -- Alexander Raymond and
Hannah Gage -- and his date and location of death: July 29, 1863 "in Hospital Ship Red Rover of Mound City. A. 39."
The USS Red Rover, a 625-ton side-wheel river steamer, was built for commercial use in 1859. She served initially
as the CSS Red Rover in 1861 and was captured on April, 7 1862 at Island Number Ten (in the Mississippi River) by
the USS Mound City. She served as a hospital ship for the U.S. Army's Western Gunboat Flotilla through the summer
of 1862, and was re-commissioned as the USS Red Rover of that year. She was used for the rest of the Civil War as
a hospital ship for the Mississippi Squadron and sailed with them during their engagements.
The squadron, numbering
some eighty vessels, was based at Mound City, the site of large naval shipyards that produced ironclad warships for the war
effort. The squadron included the famous Eads ironclads USS Cairo, USS Cincinnati and the USS Mound
City (which captured the Red Rover). During the Vicksburg campaign (May 18-July 4, 1863) the Mississippi Squadron
coordinated with Admiral Farragut's ships that had sailed upstream from New Orleans (see David Morrow, above) and though they
took heavy casualties they prevailed and Vicksburg fell. It is possible that Raymond served in the squadron and received wounds
at Vicksburg that led to his death a few weeks later. Interestingly, the Navy's website notes that the Mississippi Squadron
drew heavily on African-Americans for its crews.
Francis J. Rogers was born in May 1834 of unknown
parentage; he was adopted by John N. Rogers and his wife Elisa Ann James soon after birth. He married Eunice R. Beard (who
may have been related to the William R. Beard noted above) in 1859. A number of "Francis Rogers" are listed on the NPS website,
but no "Francis J." There is a "Francis I. Rogers" who enlisted in the 58th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (as did a number
of other Nantucketers mentioned here) and it is likely that the varying middle initial was simply recorded in error. Rogers
died in 1862.
Charles S. Russell, according to the Barney record, was born in 1839, the son of Shubael
S. Russell and Elisa Morris. The record also notes that he moved to California with his family; to make matters worse there
are a large number of "Charles Russell"s who served. Given his Nantucket connection, however, and that fact that the Barney
record notes his death on July 17, 1863 in Beaufort, North Carolina it is likely that he fought with the 45th Regiment, Massachusetts
Infantry (Militia) with the other men noted above. Between March 30 and April 20, 1863 besieged the Federal garrison at Washington,
North Carolina in Beaufort County. It is possible that these are the circumstances that led to Russell's death later that
Benjamin Smith is only noted in the Barney record for having married Ann E. Philbrook sometime
after 1856. There are a large number of "Benjamin Smith"s recorded on the NPS website, but the likely candidate for the Nantucket
soldier is the one who joined the 58th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, as several other Nantucketers did. His service record,
and date of death, remain unknown.
George Spencer Jr. was born in 1825 and, according to the Barney
record, may have been "of Cape Cod" originally. There are two "George Spencer"s in the NPS database, one who served with the
37th Regiment, Masssachusetts Infantry -- the other served with the 18th. Either way, the record is impressive: the 37th fought
at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor and Petersburg, while the 18th
Regiment (later merged with the 32nd) saw action at the siege of Yorktown, Ball's Bluff, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg,
Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Appomattox. If this George Spencer
is the correct one, he just missed seeing Lee's surrender at the courthouse on April 9; the Barney record records his death
on February 15, 1865.
Charles B. Swain 3rd, born in 1829, married Lydia G. Brock before he left for
the war. He joined the 1st Massachusetts Regiment, Cavalry, Company K as a saddler and shipped out for South Carolina. On
November 7, 1861, Captain Samuel F. Dupont's warships successfully silenced the Confederate guns of Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard,
which allowed General Sherman's troops to occupy Port Royal and the Sea Islands of South Carolina. The 1st was stationed at
Hilton Head, S. C., until May 1862; afterwards it saw action at Antietam, Shepherdstown, Kearneysville and Shephardstown.
During one of these engagements Swain was either injured, or perhaps fell ill -- according to the Barney record he died at
Port Royal on November 3, 1862.
John Swain appears a number of times in the Barney record, but few
if any of the dates fit well with the Civil War timeframe. The NPS records, which also contain a number of "John Swain"s,
records one "John T. Swain" who served with the 45th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (Militia). If the same logic applies
as before, and Swain enlisted with a number of other Nantucketers at the same time, then this is likely to be the correct
soldier. His specific record remains unknown, but the general outlines would follow those detailed above.
can replace genuine, nose-to-the-grindstone genealogical research for accuracy and consistency, spending hours breathing century-old
dust and poring over ancient, crumbling tomes. But such efforts, for the average person, often prove too expensive, too time-consuming
or involve materials that are unavailable to the public at large. To the extent that the above effort has been successful,
perhaps the cautious use of the Internet as a research tool has been enhanced, and a bit more light shed on the sacrifices
of valiant Americans -- and Nantucketers -- who gave their lives for their country.
James Everett Grieder, a native Nantucketer, is the author of a number
of articles about Nantucket's history, many of which are true, and is a regular contributor to Yesterday's Island
magazine. He lives in the family homestead with his wife Katharine and his heir apparent, William Lewis Grieder. Oh, and cats,
as well.